@database TippoMeter.guide @author Wolfgang Breyha @$VER: TippoMeter.guide 1.2 (17.04.95) @width 79 @Node main @title "TippoMeter V1.2" T i p p o m e t e r V1.2 for MUI by Wolfgang Breyha and Michael Matzl in 1994-95 SCHNITZELWARE Inhalt ------ @{" Copyright " link Rights} @{" Introduction " link Introduction} @{" Requirements " link Requirements} @{" Start " link Startup} @{" General Statistics " link Genneral} @{" ASCII Statistic " link ASCII} @{" Keys Statistic " link Keys} @{" Keysums Statistic " link Keysums} @{" Shortcuts " link Shortcuts} @{" Authors " link authors} @{" Thanks " link Thanks} @{" History " link History} @endnode @Node Rights @title "Copyright" T i p p o m e t e r V1.2 for MUI by Wolfgang Breyha and Michael Matzl in 1994-95 SCHNITZELWARE TippoMeter is SCHNITZELWARE! This means if you are using TippoMeter for more than 10000 keystrokes, you have to send the money for a "Wiener Schnitzel" and a beer to one of the two authors (at the time 15DM or 10US$). And guys that's no joke!! COPYRIGHT AND DISTRIBUTION TippoMeter is (C) 1993-94 Wolfgang Breyha & Michael Matzl. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. No guarantee of any kind is given that the program described in this document is 100 % reliable. You are using this material at your own risk. The authors CAN NOT be made responsible for any damage which is caused by using this program. This package is freely distributable, but still copyright by Wolfgang Breyha & Michael Matzl. This means that you can copy it freely as long as you don't ask for a more than nominal copying fee. Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain collections, especially in Fred Fishs Amiga Disk Library (including CD ROM versions of it). The distribution file may be uploaded to Bulletin Board Systems or FTP servers. If you want to distribute this program you MUST use the contents of the original distribution archive `TippoMeter102.lha'. The archive may be distributed unpacked or packed with a different archiver, if necessary. @endnode @node Introduction @title "Introduction" Introduction: ------------- TippoMeter stores every keystroke. Then these will be checked and stored for various points of view. At the moment TippoMeter stores following categories: 1. Whow many and 2. which Strokes in sum 3. Whow many and 4. which ASCII Codes will be created by them 5. With which qualifiers and 6. whow often (Alt, Ctrl, ..) This is a lot, and it results in a lot of memory TippoMeter needs to store it (About 210KByte). TippoMeter also remindes the time it was activ and calculates your average speed. @endnode @node Requirements @title "Requirements" Requirements: ------------- A sofisticated program like TippoMeter makes it nessecary to take advantage from many functions of Kickstart 2.04 (V37). So it works only on this or later versions. And Kick 1.3 is dead! If you are a real AMIGA-User take 2.0 or higher. If you are owner of a release V38+ (Workbench 2.1) you are able to use the catalogfiles for your prefered language. Possible languages are at the time: english (built in) deutsch If you are able to help as translating them into other languages read the section @{"Authors" link Authors}. For this release of TippoMeter you also need MUI 2.2 from Stefan Stunz. (see ReadMe.MUI) In any case you need the following files: Fonts/topaz/11 Fonts/topaz.font libs/commodties.library libs/diskfont.library libs/iffparse.library libs/mathieeedoubbas.library libs/muimaster.library libs/rexxsyslib.library Users of V37 & V38 also need the following statement in the user-startup: assign libs: sys:Classes add @endnode @node Startup @title "Startup" Startup: -------- You can start TippoMeter from CLI or Workbench. The recommended way is, to copy it to the WBStartup drawer. The TOOLTYPES and CLI-options are equal. They are: CX_PRIORITY look at the Workbench manual SAVE_EVERY every time you type as many keys TippoMeter will save the counters for safety (Default 500) MAXDATEDIFF if the systemdate is greater then the last safed + MAXDATEDIFF TippoMeter will ask you to check your systemclock. If the systemdate is lower then the last safed TippoMeter reacts in the same way. REAL_KEYMAP here you must define the real layout of your keyboard. Since some crazy guys are using german boards with english keymaps, its impossible for Tippometer to guess which keyboard you have. Use same form as they are stored in devs:keymaps (eg: d, usa, ...) XPKMODE Mode for packing the save file. zB NUKE.100 or OFF. For best results use RDCN or FAST. RESETHANDLER * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * This function is very risky if you don't know how to handle it. So if you know nothing about reset-handlers from the keyboard.- device set it to OFF. This function can cause read/write errors or not validated medias!! The authors know about the risks (and also about the goods) of this function but we take no responsibility for any damages. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! RESETDELAY After saving the file in the reset-handler TippoMeter must delay the reset to give DOS a chance to write the bitmap to the drive. The value defaults to 150/50 secs (3 secs). If the delay is to short the errors described in the upper section may occure. On my configuration (W. Breyha) a delay of 75 is enough. (A2000+GVP Serie II 030 33Mhz+Quantum LPS 240) Since Tippometer is packing his file or must store 210KByte of data the risk is much higher then with MousoMeter! So TippoMeter makes two backup files. So if TippoMeter resets the counters to 0 after a reset lock your HD including the s: directory imediatly and quit TippoMeter. Then unlock your HD and copy the s:TippoMeter.bak to s:TippoMeter. Lock it again and start TippoMeter. If all counters show 0 again try it again with s:TippoMeter.bak2. If not unlock your HD and be happy. * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * The standard Commodity-Tooltypes POPUP and POPKEY are not supported, because they are configured in MUI's Preferences-program. @endnode @node General @title "General Statistics" General Statistics: ------------------- Here you can see the avarage strokes per hour for today and for the whole time TippoMeter was running. @endnode @node ASCII @title "ASCII Statistic" ASCII Statistic: ---------------- Here you get list of all 256 ASCII Codes and how often they were generated. You can chose the @{"sort method" link sortm} with the according cyclegadget. @endnode @node Keys @title "Key Statistic" Key Statistic: -------------- Here you get two Lists where you can see how often a key was pressed with a qualifier. Choose the qualifiers by pressing the togglebuttons below the lists. Ther are two lists to make it easier two compere two qualifiers! (eg. You want to know which shift key you use more often in combination with an other. Then choose L-Shift on one and R-Shift on the other) You can chose the @{"sort method" link sortm} with the according cyclegadget. If you press the link button in the middle of the window and move the left list the right will move, too. @endnode @node Keysums @title "Keysums Statistic" Keysums Statistic: ------------------ Here the list shows how often a key was pressed no matter with which qualifier. You can chose the @{"sort method" link sortm} with the according cyclegadget. @endnode @node Shortcuts @title "Shortcuts" Shortcuts: ---------- right AMIGA + Q -> Quit right AMIGA + H -> Hide (Iconify) right AMIGA + G -> @{"General" link General} right AMIGA + S -> @{"ASCII" link ASCII} right AMIGA + K -> @{"Key" link Keys} right AMIGA + E -> @{"Keysums" link Keysums} @endnode @node authors @title "Authors" Authors: -------- If you speek a language which is not supported and you will make a translation file for us, write to one of the addresses below. To make a translation file, you must take the MousoMeter_empty.ct file and translate all the english sentences in your language. The english definition is always commented with a ";" below stands the alias for the C-Code. And below is a empty line. There you must write your translation. Take a look at the german .ct file for example. You also have to take care about some limits! Take the MousoMeter.cd file and look at the parts looking like (?/?/?). If it is (//) there're no limits! The format is exactly (string_id/min_chars/max_chars). String_id is not very important for you, but you have to take care about the other two values! Also take care about the list headers! If there are default lines like "o\0Ok", you must also generate a line in this format! The first character is the Hotkey of this button (the underlined character) The "\0" is very important to split the hotkey from the Button text! When you have translated the .ct file into your language call it MousoMeter.ct.(your language) (eg. MousoMeter.ct.sweden) and send it to one of the authors (per email or normal mail) The authors: ------------ Wolfgang Breyha email to: e9025856@stud1.tuwien.ac.at er Ring 42 IRC-Nick: MASH 1130 WIEN AUSTRIA Michael Matzl Maurer-Langegasse 57/1/4 1238 WIEN AUSTRIA advertisments: -------------- If you like Tippometer try to get the other projects of the authors!! MUIMousoMeter by Wolfgang and Michael: Like TippoMeter but meassures mousemovement and checks mousebuttons. ARose by Wolfgang and Michael: Screenblanker module for Garshne and BlitzBlank. Draws very nice circlefigures. Looks best on GFX-boards with 800x600x256 Colormode. (eg. Picasso-II, Cybergraphics) D.E.R. ST-Player (STP) Wolfgang Breyha A Soundtracker-Moduleplayer with a GUI like a real CD-Player. Many features like nonstop playing, random, programmable. @endnode @node Thanks @title "Thanks" Thanks to: ---------- Reinhardt Franz(Killersoft), Peter Scherbaum for beta-testing, bugreports, good ideas and very good friendship. to all of you sending me bugreports, ideas, funny mails, money for a Schnitzel or other gifts. Special thanks to Stefan Stunz, the father of MUI. I hope for all AMIGA-Fans that MUI is the standart of the future. to VillageTronic for the Picasso II. to F.G.T.H for all their Maxi-Singles. to Citroen for the 2CV, my current car. to Robert Altman for MASH, the best film ever in cinema. to mom and dad for ..... // Commodore for development of the \\X/AMIGA. and never forget: Intel outside!! @endnode @node History @title "History" /* $Revision Header built automatically *************** (do not edit) ************ ** File : HD1:sc/projects/MUIApps/TippoMeter/Tippo.c ** Created on : Sunday, 06.03.94 19:15:48 ** Created by : M.Matzl & W.Breyha ** Current revision : V1.2 ** Purpose ** ------- ** - Meassures keyboard activity ** Revision V1.2 ** -------------- ** created on Monday, 17.04.95 15:54:21 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage : ** - XPKPacker now selectable, Updated to MUI 2.3 ** bugfixes, no executed commands like rename, copy, delete ** helpnodes for the windows ** Revision V1.1 ** -------------- ** created on Monday, 05.09.94 14:36:19 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage : ** - Changed way of saving (should be saver now;-) ** Revision V1.0 ** -------------- ** created on Sunday, 06.03.94 19:15:48 by M.Matzl & W.Breyha. LogMessage : ** --- Initial release --- *********************************************************************************/ @endnode @node sortm @title "Cyclegadget Sortmethod" Cyclegadget Sortmethod: ----------------------- You choose among the following methods: 1. decending by numbers sorted by ASCII or Keycode numbers 2. Today ascending 3. Today decending sorted by how often a key *today* was pressed. 4. Total ascending 5. Total decending sorted by how often a key *total* was pressed. @endnode